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Lesson No 31



In the lesson on relaxation massage, you will learn about the history of massage and the differences between Eastern and Western massage. You will find out how the musculoskeletal system works and what trigger points are. You will see what movements are used during massage, such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping, and vibration, and how they affect tissues. In the practical part, you will learn how to perform a relaxation massage and how to prepare the salon for work.

  • You will learn about the history of massage.
  • What distinguishes Eastern massage from Western massage?
  • You will investigate what trigger points are and how they work.
  • How is the musculoskeletal system structured?
  • How does the stroking motion affect tissues?
  • How does the rubbing motion affect tissues?
  • How does the kneading motion affect tissues?
  • How does the tapping motion affect tissues?
  • How do vibrations affect tissues?
  • How do energies affect the human body?
  • What are meridians, aura, and reiki?
  • What are chakras and how are they categorized?
  • You will discover what reflexology is.
  • How do essential oils work and how should they be used?
  • You will get to know essential oils.
  • You will get to know the sense of smell and explore how it works.
  • How do scents affect one's psyche?
  • Preparing the bed for massage.
  • Preparing the assistant and necessary accessories.
  • Preparing the products for the massage.
  • Preparing disposable materials for the procedure.
  • Protecting the client's hair and clothing.
  • Conducting a relaxation massage.
  • Preparing the client to leave the treatment area.


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